Who We Are

About us

Founded in 1995, Perdiz de Jesus stands out because of its commitment to excellence and dedication to its clients. We provide personalized client service and direct partner involvement.

The Firm is dedicated to preventive, consultative, and contentious advocacy. We act in all types of proceedings, including those before administrative bodies, the courts, and arbitral tribunals. We also act in matters involving risk assessments, crisis management, commercial agreements, asset management, negotiation, and alternative conflict resolution. We seek optimal strategies for resolving and fulling defending our clients’ interests.

In addition to the strong foundation of personalized service provided by the lawyers in our core litigation and advisory team, Perdiz de Jesus prides itself in having a process for managing excellent service delivery, in accordance with which we provide detailed reports, predicting possible adverse judgments based on legal research on Court´s database, preparing graphs showing the number of related cases by specific topics, and providing accurate and objective information quickly.

The firm is recognized for its strategic and zealous advocacy before the Superior Courts. Our team has expertise in drafting or advising clients with respect to special Constitutional recourse proceedings before the Superior Court of Justice and the Rules of Procedure, as well with respect to admissibility objections.

our compromise

The Firm is dedicated to preventive, consultative, and contentious advocacy. We act in all types of proceedings, including those before administrative bodies, the courts, and arbitral tribunals. We also act in matters involving risk assessments, crisis management, commercial agreements, asset management, negotiation, and alternative conflict resolution. We seek optimal strategies for resolving and fulling defending our clients’ interests.


Provide excellent legal services responsibly and transparently.


Maintain recognized legal quality while providing ethical and personalized service to our clients.


Knowledge, Excellence, Trust, Honesty and Transparency.


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José de Jesus Filho

Nascido na cidade mineira de Araguari em 1927, Jesus Filho se graduou em Direito na Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) e construiu uma brilhante trajetória, atuando como advogado, professor e Ministro.

Em março de 1967, aos 39 anos, o patriarca da família Perdiz de Jesus foi nomeado juiz federal no Estado de Goiás. Em 1986, assumiu uma das cadeiras do antigo Tribunal
Federal de Recursos.

Com a promulgação da Constituição Federal em 1988, passou a fazer parte do corpo de ministros do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (ST]), do qual se aposentou em 30 de junho de 1997. No STJ, integrou a Segunda Turma da Corte, que trata de direito público, bem como a primeira seção, onde chegou a presidi-la.

Após a saída do ST], exerceu o cargo de secretário de segurança do Distrito Federal e de secretário-executivo do Ministério da Justiça no primeiro mandato do ex-presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, período em que colaborou juridicamente na elaboração do Código Brasileiro de Trânsito (CTB).

Foi ainda ministro interino da Justiça no governo FHC, em abril de 1998


Founded in 1995, Perdiz de Jesus stands out because of its commitment to excellence and dedication to its clients. We provide personalized client service and direct partner involvement.

where are we

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