Areas of Expertise

Founded in 1995, Perdiz de Jesus stands out because of its commitment to excellence and dedication to its clients. We provide personalized client service and direct partner involvement.

Consumer Protection Law

Consumer Protection Law is the legal field related to conflicts arising from consumer transactions. The Consumer Protection Code is aimed to prevent abusive practices towards consumers by providing a balance in activities relating to consumers.

Our firm has been working for 25 years with a focus on the correct application of the Consumer Protection Code, with the aim of protecting consumers’ rights without such rights being abused to the prejudice of suppliers.

For this purpose, our team provides advisory legal services to companies, and legal representation in court, through the preparation of defenses and appeals. We also act in administrative proceedings under the jurisdiction of the Consumer Protection Office (PROCON), the Consumer Protection Prosecution Office (PRODECON), and consumer protection stations. We work with a group of professionals dedicated to acting both in the prevention and in the resolution of disputes relating to consumer protection law.




Founded in 1995, Perdiz de Jesus stands out because of its commitment to excellence and dedication to its clients. We provide personalized client service and direct partner involvement.

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